Anyone- A film on your mobile phone about longing, boredom, dreaming, love and TikTok.
Anyone is a 25 minute reflection of children’s right to be angry, different, an outsider or an agitator. Using mobile phone technology, it creates a platform for young dancers to tell us a story, framed and accompanied by a deconstructed and destroyed torch song. We were interested in how we could use Tik Tok to create a performance on our phones. Tik Tok is the social media format of that moment, like with all flavours of the month it provides its creators with moments of self-expression, the ability to follow a trend and to engage with like-minded individuals. We wanted to capitalise on the current popularity of this app. Anyone seeks to use TikTok to explore how young people can viscerally and physically express their most complex anger and confusion at living within a global pandemic. We want to playfully and a little dangerously explore the need to physically work out emotions that we all might be feeling during that uncertain time.